From administrative assistant to lead pastor, every Oakhouse staff position is more than a to-do list, a desk, and a paycheck. Each role becomes something unique in the hands of the person God brings to it—and God uses the role to change the person along the way. If any of the open positions below seem to line up with how God has equipped and directed you thus far, we’d love to talk to you. If you have any questions, please email Anna.

  • This position has a vision for the technical and practical side of ministry operations. From Sunday services to mid-week events, this role assists with implementing simple and effective tools to empower ministry to be seen, heard, and felt. They are the ears and eyes for the Oakhouse online crew and everyone sitting in a gathering.

    Read the Job Description

    Want to apply? Fill out this application!

  • We are looking to hire childcare workers. We need a team of people to call on for special events where we offer childcare.

    This is a paid position, and we typically ask people to work 1-2 hours at a time. Most events will be on Sunday after church or occasionally on Tuesday or Thursday evenings.

    If you want to learn more or apply to be on the team, email Jessica Porter.